../Portable Style Master 4.6


Style Master is the leading cross platform CSS development tool. Much more than just a text editor, Style Master supports your workflow - including creating style sheets based on your HTML live CSS editing of PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby and other dynamically generated sites editing CSS via ftp and much much more.

Built with our extensive knowledge of CSS and web development going back well over a decade, support for CSS3 and HTML5, killer features like XRAY, we honestly believe there's no better development tool for CSS around. We could go on about the features of Style Master. From beginner to expert, Style Master will make working with CSS more efficient, more productive, and more enjoyable. But why not just download our demo? Fully featured for 30 days, you can keep using it forever in lite mode after that. And, for beginners it includes our renowned hands-on tutorial to get you up to speed with CSS faster than anything else.

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Pass: usbtools

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  1. Unknown  

    passoward is not valid

  2. Founder  

    hi samim;
    the password is usbtools
    please try again with all lower case


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