../Portable Font Creator 5.5


FontCreator has the powerful font-creation tools that typographers and graphic designers require, and an intuitive interface that even allows beginners to become productive immediately.

The editor lets you easily select and modify the entire character set of any TrueType® font and fonts based on OpenType® font technology. Features include the ability to convert (scanned) images to outlines, thus enabling you to create fonts with your own signature, logo and handwriting. The advanced validation features make the design process easy and help you avoid common mistakes.
Whether you're a typographer or graphic designer who needs a font creation powerhouse, or a hobbyist who wants to have fun creating new fonts, FontCreator has the tools you need!

Key Features

* View and edit TrueType and OpenType fonts
* Create new characters (glyphs) or create new fonts
* Modify individual glyph contours
* Add or correct composite glyphs
* Add kerning of glyph pairs
* Edit and correct font names and mappings
* Correct fonts that display incorrectly
* Preview fonts before installing
* Install fonts in Windows
* Transform individual glyphs or an entire font

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