../Portable Photoshop CS3 Extended (Updated)


Photoshop CS3 Extended includes all of the same features as Photoshop CS3 but adds a brand-new set of tools and capabilities for the integration of 3-D models, video and animation, and image measurement and analysis.

In CS3, Adobe did a very good job of making interface improvements without moving too far away from the familiar. Most of the new elements unique to Photoshop Extended are well integrated into the standard Photoshop and accessed from familiar tools such as the Layers panel or various menus.

Photoshop CS3 Extended can now import and manipulate 3-D objects, such as OBJ, 3DS, U3D (Acrobat 3D), KMZ (Google Earth), and COLLADA (XML files used most often for gaming) file formats. While these formats are all common and useful, the omission of DWG the most popular format for exchanging CAD (computer-aided design) models is glaring.

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  1. Unknown  

    awe they took it down :(

  2. Founder  

    Hi Jesus,

    Link is repaired.


  3. Anonymous  

    Hey to the admin of this site, use mediafire rather tha megaupload or rapidshare, it has less limitations and dont usually bring links down

  4. anburk  


    pls post all links in mediafire

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